The three best habits to start TODAY


The three best habits to start today are: meditation, Exercise and Reading

Obviously there are lots of other habits which will improve you, but in my opinion these should be your top priorities
1. Meditation - There are loads of benefits of meditation, these include:
Improved focus 
Improved anxiety/depression and just general mental health 
Stress reduction
Increases presence and calmness
Helps regulate mood
All you need to do to start is 5 minutes a day. Simply sit down in a quiet and dark room, close your eyes and focus on your deep breathing. Don't worry if thoughts come in, just observe the thoughts. You can eventually move onto to 10.15 or even 20 minutes in the future. If you want further guidance, Medito is a great app which you can download for free.

2. Exercise - Exercise is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, and you may already be doing some. There are also lots of benefits to exercise as well, such as:
Reduces chances of major illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer
Reduces anxiety, depression and stress
Improves mental health
Strengthens muscles
Improves sleep
A good target is 20 minutes a day. This could be anything, a sport you enjoy, a run, a bike ride, anything to get you moving. I would recommend doing this outside as its very important to get out in nature to improve your mental health. If you want to build muscle then click the link here to get a free personalized workout routine:

3. Reading - The third habit on this list is reading, like the first two reading has great benefits, here are a few:
Vocabulary expansions 
Knowledge enhancement
Improves your memory
Improves concentration
Better analytical thinking skills
Try for 30 minutes a day of reading. Fiction or Non fiction are both good but if you want a good reading list about self improvement here's a good book on the topic of self improvement and habits: Atomic Habits

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